Episode 1

The Light Bulb

During this episode Lou talks to her husband, Ash about the early years up to present day. They talk about their initial stumbles and the moments that made them "wake up" and realise that their son didn't need to be fixed or changed but that embracing him and treating him with compassion would change everything.

The Light Bulb

During this episode Lou talks to her husband, Ash about the early years up to present day. They talk about their initial stumbles and the moments that made them "wake up" and realise that their son didn't need to be fixed or changed but that embracing him and treating him with compassion would change everything. Ash presents a father's perspective, giving insight with raw honesty and real feelings.
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It took me a long time to realise that I couldn't really fix this, and nor should I be trying to.
Ash Kuchel

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