Episode 5

My Spirited Child, Rebecca Perkins and ADHD Conferences

Lou and Ash Kuchel will be speaking at the "My Spirited Child" Victoria ADHD Conference and what better way to discuss the excitement than to invite the founder and organiser, Rebecca Perkins on to the podcast!

My Spirited Child, Rebecca Perkins and ADHD Conferences

Lou and Ash Kuchel will be speaking at the "My Spirited Child" Victoria ADHD Conference and what better way to discuss the excitement than to invite the founder and organiser, Rebecca Perkins on to the podcast! In this episode, Lou chats to Rebecca about her journey parenting and leading the way in education of the broader community about ADHD and other neurodivergences. Rebecca's accomplishments are so impressive and she is another woman on a mission to educate, smash stigma and draw on the strengths of neurodivergence in everything that she does. Lou and Rebecca also discuss the upcoming Victorian ADHD Conference where Lou has been asked along as a guest speaker. They discuss the emphasis of these conferences and why Rebecca feels that this Victorian conference will be the best one yet!
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Episode Resources

My Spirited Child
Rebecca Perkins
National PEKE Centres
Rebecca Perkins and Christina Keeble
This line up we have got for the Victorian conference is hands down probably the best speaker line up I have ever seen in one day"
Rebecca Perkins

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