Episode 8

Navigating Behaviour School Part 2

Lou talks to Nathalie Steinmetz again but this time they take a deep dive in to school suspensions and behaviour school experiences within Nathalie's "Brady Bunch" family.

Navigating Behaviour School Part 2

Lou talks to Nathalie Steinmetz again but this time they take a deep dive in to school suspensions and behaviour school experiences within Nathalie's "Brady Bunch" family. Nathalie shares some shocking facts about her experiences during this stressful and worrying time and how her littlest square peg has come out the other end as a well adjusted and authentic individual thanks to his parents advocacy and his brilliant uniqueness and awesome spirit. This story will jolt you to attention but also bring you along on the roller coaster ride experienced by so many Square Peg families.
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Episode Resources

OLT ADHD training module
Nathalie, alongside Simon da Roza, other teachers and expert physicians
School got better as we went on because my literacy around neurodiversity became better.
Nathalie Steinmetz

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