Episode 14

Inclusive Education - It's Happening!

Loren Swancutt is a highly experienced inclusive educator and leader who is committed to advancing the realisation of inclusive education within the Australian context.

Inclusive Education - It's Happening!

Do you believe that Inclusive Education can happen? Should happen? Well it's happening!! Loren Swancutt is a highly experienced inclusive educator and leader who is committed to advancing the realisation of inclusive education within the Australian context. Lou and Loren discuss the human right to access inclusive education and Loren explains the theoretical to practical implementation of it and the work that Loren has led to reform a complex and challenging high school in North Queensland. Loren shares some really uplifting examples of lives turned around, leading to a sense of value and fulfilment through inclusive practices. Inclusive Education is not just something that should happen. It IS happening!!
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Universal design for learning is about creating experiences that predict and value student variability from the outset.
Loren Swancutt

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